Monday, September 10, 2012

Find what you love and stick with it....the 4-year-old version.

My almost to be 4 year old is stuck in a rut of consistency. I think he has hit the age when he realizes that he can make his own decisions and has his own power. Oh, the want-everything-my-brother-wants-and-repeat-everything-he-says is still there, but he is figuring out his own likes and he carries that out to an extreme.
He discovered the beauty of Sportacus this summer and the joy was complete when we found a disc with two episodes at Blockbuster. This was three weeks ago. Guess what he has watched everyday for the last three weeks?


 Took it back to Blockbuster on Friday night to exchange for a different movie. And what did we came home with? The same disc.


He is now calling out dialogue before the main characters get a chance to speak. He has taken his constant chatter to even interrupting and talking over characters on TV!!

Lets not talk about choosing a book for bedtime. But you should all know that I can rescue Tuga the Turtle without a rescue pack, while yelling peppy commands in THREE different languages(take that, jungle boy!) and seriously question the self sufficiency of all these animals who constantly needs  rescuing!!

Oh Sportacus, if you would only be still for a moment, I would throw something at you!

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