Thursday, November 1, 2012

A night in the Hood!

We were trailing these super heroes the other night. As two aging public officials up for re-election they were doing their annual meet and greet. Knocking on doors, making sure the neighborhood is safe.

They had asked some of us to come along, making sure their good deed was covered appropriately, and to raise the cute factor for their grandmas around the world.

They spoke in code as they somewhat wanted to stay incognito from the gathering masses. “Trick or Treat” meant; “so good to meet you, I hope you are satisfied with the protective services we provide throughout the year – now give us some candy!”

They had also brought along a new super hero in training; Cow Girl. They were eager to teach her the importance of this event, and I am thinking Cow Girl’s super hero strength is her graciousness and politeness as she was the only one who remembered her Please and Thank Yous’. The mother of the more established super heroes has apparently handed over the raising them to a pack of wolfs.

Batman came charging through a yard at one point, screeching like a howler monkey. Apparently there were some freaky weirdoes hanging out on the front porch. Not that he was afraid or anything, oh no!, he just wanted to make sure we were safe and not freaking out. He then decided to forego the piece of candy at that particular house, hanging back on the sidewalk with us. “Cause he wanted to give Captain America and Cow Girl a chance to rise to the occasion!”

Captain America saw this opportunity as a chance to ring the door bell himself and charged right up, rang the  doorbell, banged on the door and screamed “Appy Alloween!” at a decibel level that would have made Thor proud!

The two superheroes then continued the evening fighting out the importance of who got to ring the doorbell. Batman might have had longer legs and better coordination, but Captain America held his own in throwing high pitched temper tantrums and getting sympathy points from the weary and unsuspecting door openers! If you cry loudly hanging on your dad’s shoulder you are almost guaranteed two pieces of candy at every house. I am not saying Captain America figured this out and milked it for all it was worth, but his bucket definitely filled up faster!

They are not sophisticated enough – yet – to realize what counts as quality candy and squealed with delight when they were handed raisins and pretzels. I give it a couple of years before they start charting the neighborhood before heading out, deliberately skipping certain houses. For now, their buckets were filling up on the best night of the year, and their mother – who obviously has her priorities straight, let them eat as much as they could.

When they decided they had visited enough candy suppliers’ voters, they headed home for a quick break, compared loot and got ready for the next highlight of the evening. The annual neighborhood Halloween Party, where they were handed the key to the city for their unwavering support and protection – the BIG box of legos! While us ordinary people hung out upstairs, enjoying drinks and good food, the superheroes disappeared to the Super Hero dungeon for the rest of the evening. Well, Captain America – who should really run for the coveted position of Chief of Information Sharing – checked in every two minutes, keeping us updated of any on goings in the dungeon. Batman however only came up once to grab a plate of dinner – chips and Doritos! Apparently their mother had made sure they had a healthy Happy Meal before the evening started so nutrition wise they were good! Got to make sure those super powers are adequately fueled.

In the wee hours of this hexed night, sugar drunk and slightly queasy, the two super heroes crawled home, whimpered into their pajamas and passed out, slightly decorated and content. And at 8:30 sharp their parents turned off the lights, declared the night a success and excitedly watched one of their own TV-shows before passing out themselves.